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Choosing and Refining Your Research Topic Workshop

About "Choosing and Refining Your Research Topic" Workshop


In this workshop, participants will learn how to get started on a research project, including how to focus their research topic from a too broad or too specific subject to one that is more researchable.  Gale Virtual Reference and two social issues databases are explored as great places for background reading to start the research process.  Other tips include creating visual aids to stimulate your thinking and how to get unstuck in developing your research topic or thesis.

Asynchronous Workshop - Learn anytime!


You can take this online library workshop asynchronously - in other words, at any time you like. To do so, please follow these instructions:

  1. Watch the full recording of the live workshop (38 minutes). Click here to watch this video.
  2. After watching the recording, click on the "Workshop Quiz" in the guide navigation or click here. You MUST take and submit the quiz to get credit for this workshop. Feel free to use the workshop recording and resources (see below) to help you complete this quiz.

After you complete and submit the quiz, your quiz score will display. Example: You got 100% correct. If you do not see your score, it means your quiz was not submitted.

Note: for any questions answered incorrectly, you must go back and change your answers correctly in order to move on and submit your quiz.

As the librarian for this workshop, I will review your quiz submission and email you a Certificate of Completion via a Digital Badge. You can show this badge to your instructor to prove that you participated in this workshop (if completing for extra credit or class assignment). Click here to learn more about how the Certificate of Completion Badge is awarded and how you access it.

If you have any questions, please email me at, or use the "Email Me" link on this page.

Choosing and Refining Your Research Topic Workshop Slides


"Once you've got the topic, it's all downhill from there. long as you've narrowed it down enough."

- Allison Gill on her The Daily Beans podcast's "Good News" segment on November 2?, 2023 in celebrating the acceptance of a listener's thesis topic.