In order to complete your GooseChase Library Scavenger Hunt, you need the following:
Julian Aguayo
Stephanie Arevalo
Anthony Cobos
Violeth Deleon
Luiggi Diaz
Francisco Esqueda
Laila Evans
Marvin Galdamez
Jazmin Garcia
Amanda Gonzalez
Valeria Hernandez
Priscilla Lopez
Esmeralda Marquez
Trinity Martinez
Fernando Menjivar
Lycette Moran
Paul Moreno
Levi Nunez
Anthony Otec
Denise Pena
Marisol Pena
Cristal Ramirez
Eduardo Ramos
Enrique Rivas
Ana Zavaleta
Karen Rojas
Ali Rosas
Angeline Santos
Angel Smith
Miguel Terronez
Esther Tula
Samantha Vidal
Note: Make sure you join the right team! If you forgot your team name, check the team rosters above.