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Avoid Plagiarism: Writing it Right
Common Knowledge
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Avoid Plagiarism: Writing it Right: Common Knowledge
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Common Knowledge
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Common Knowledge
Is this Common Knowledge?
Poll for Common Knowledge. Choose the correct answer from the following
Donald Trump is the president of the United States
Yes, this is a known fact found in many sources
No, this is not a known fact.
Yes, this is a known fact found in many sources: 14 votes (100%)
No, this is not a known fact.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 14
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What is the daily requirement of Vitamin C?
Yes. This is a known fact.
No. This is not a known fact at all, and one that is open to opinion.
I'm writing a paper for a beginning nutrition course, so I might need to cite it.
Yes. This is a known fact.: 1 votes (7.14%)
No. This is not a known fact at all, and one that is open to opinion.: 5 votes (35.71%)
I'm writing a paper for a beginning nutrition course, so I might need to cite it.: 8 votes (57.14%)
Total Votes: 14
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"If you build it, they will come"
Yes, this is a well-known saying.
No, I think I need to cite it.
Yes, this is a well-known saying.: 5 votes (35.71%)
No, I think I need to cite it.: 9 votes (64.29%)
Total Votes: 14
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Common Knowledge -- Video
Common Knowledge -- Websites
Academic Integrity at MIT
CSU - San Marcos How to Avoid Plagiarism
Intentional Plagiarism
Unintentional Plagiarism >>