This library research guide was created to help you with your ENGL 101 assignments.
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Essay 1: Expository Narrative
Format: MLA (Times New Roman 12", 1" margins, double-spaced)
Length: 900 - 1000 words
25 points
Outline: 5 points
Our earliest experiences shape our perceptions. For this essay, I want you to focus on one (or two if they're close connected) events in your life regarding reading, writing, or learning in general. It could be positive or negative. Also, consider the lack of an event as noteworthy in and of itself. The essay will be broken up into three parts. Each section must contain two paragraphs.
First section (two paragraphs): I want you to describe to me the event. What happened? Include as many relevant details as you can. Go deep. End the second paragraph with your thesis statement. What effect did it have on you and why? This is what you will elaborate on in the next section...
The second part: Consider the consequences. What was the effect? How did it effect you and in what ways? Were they good or bad? So what?
Finally, the third part: Consider the big picture. What can we conclude? How might your experience be relevant for other people? What's the takeaway from what you've written?
You must also include at least one quote from Wyche, Berrett and/or Goldstein in your essay. You will also need a Works Cited page at the end of the essay on a separate page. The questions for each section do not need to be explicitly answered. Instead, think of them as heuristics -- things to consider as you write.
Students Come to College Thinking They've Mastered Writing
Why Kid's Can't Write (article info is included at the top of the PDF)
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