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Evaluating Online Sources for College Research Workshop (Drop-In) - Fall 2024: In-Person (Drop-In) Workshop

Evaluating Online Sources Drop-In Workshop: About This Workshop

This in-person library workshop takes place, in LR-224 (in the RHC Library), on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, November 20 @ 1:00PM

There are no reservations required for in-person workshops - just show up! Workshops begin promptly at the scheduled time - late entries will not be accepted.

About this workshop:

Evaluating Online Sources for College Research is a newly-developed library workshop which discusses some of the issues that students face when using Google and Wikipedia to conduct their research. By introducing fact-checking methods ("SIFT" and lateral reading), students will learn how to check online sources for reliability and credibility.   

What to expect:

This hour-long workshop contains a librarian-led lecture, with a student quiz and website evaluation at the end. Completion of the quiz is required to receive credit for attending the workshop (a digital badge will be sent to you, which will act as a certificate of completion).  

Any Questions? Contact Librarian Brian Young at