This library research guide was created to help you with your ART 104 research assignment.
The URL address is:
January 25 to May 22
Monday to Thursday: 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
(checkouts end at 8:45 PM)
Friday: 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
(checkouts end at 2:45 PM)
Saturday to Sunday: CLOSED
Smithsonian American Art Museum - Features Native and Indigenous art
KATILVIK - Features Indigenous art and culture websites
Heard Museum - Features American Indian art, including traditional and contemporary works
Native Arts and Cultures Foundation - Focuses on transforming community through Native arts
Conduct general research on the art and cultures of your assigned region (Northwest Coast, Southwest, California, or Eastern Woodlands.) Find books, videos, museum websites that provide an introduction to the culture and their artistic traditions.
Locate and select at least one scholarly article to be assigned to your classmates. The article should focus on artworks that you will present in class.
Library Resources:
OneSearch (Library Catalog): Books, eBooks
Databases: Reference, Scholarly Articles and Videos
Totem Pole, Haida (after 1850).
From the Minneapolis Institute of Art:
By Email
Email RHC Library or any of the librarians
By Text
(562) 418-5253
By Chat
By Phone
(562) 908-3484
Indigenous Art
Native American Art
American Indian Art
Ancient Art
Northwest Coast
Eastern Woodlands