Click here to access the RHC Library Catalog, also known as OneSearch.
Here you will find information about books, ebooks, articles from library (subscription) and open access databases, and more!
Here are a few search tips to help you find exactly what you are looking for:
- If you’re not finding anything with your chosen keywords, try searching synonyms (example: “social media” instead of “social networks”).
- Books in the library are organized by subject so when you find a book on the shelf, feel free to browse the area to find similar books.
- Take a look at the Subject terms in the book's catalog record. By clicking on a Subject term, the Library Catalog searches for other books that have the same Subject term.
- You can also use quotation marks (" ") to specificially search a phrase. This helps to further limit your searches; for example, if you type in the words air pollution, the computer will look for any result with the word air and any with the word pollution, but if you search "air pollution" the computer will more likely find that specific combination of words together.