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SPCH 101 - Lai - Winter 2024: Quick Guide for the Birthday Assignment

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Quick Guide for the Birthday Assignment

Find Articles in Newspapers:
Published on the Day You Were Born


  • How to find articles in ProQuest

    • Go to Proquest
    • Sign into your My Research account  -or-
    • Create your My Research account and sign into your account
    • Use the "Advanced Search"
    • Los Angeles Times goes back to 1985
    • If your birthday is before 1985, explore other options below.
  • See below for an example of how to set-up your search screen in ProQuest:

image of proquest screen to fill out for assignment



How to Find an Article in an Online Source pre-1985

How to find an article published on your birthday from a online source if your birthday is pre-1985


How to Find an Article in a Paper Source

How to find an article published on your birthday from a print source (paper)

Use the following print sources in the Library:

  • Time magazine (we have paper issues from 1971 to the present).
  • Newsweek (we have paper issues from 1970 to the present)

Use Google Magazine Search

1.  Review these help screens

2.  To start your magazine search for magazines published prior to 1986:

Start Page for Advanced Search Google Books

Refine by date - Advance Google Search for Magazines