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Campus FAQ: Computers and Wireless Access

Wireless Network on Campus

Wireless Access on Campus:  

Students should choose Rio-Guest, which should pop up when choosing the option to connect to a wireless network.  

Complex technical problems with student laptops or other devices such as tablets should be addressed with manufacturer documentation or assistance from the computer or device manufacturer. 


Computer Labs (Open to all students)

The following computer labs are open to all students:

Learning Assistance Center

Location: LR118
Phone: 562-908-3418

Monday – Thursday:  7:00am - 8:00pm
Friday, 8:00 am -1:00 pm

Services:  Internet access. Word processing. 

Free printing for papers and Internet.


Location:  LRC 2nd floor
Phone:  562-908-3484
Hours:   Computers are available all open library hours:

Monday - Thurday:  7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday:   7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Services:  45 PC workstations for student use.  Internet, Library databases, Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)

Printing and photocopying: 10c per page (b&w) payable with PaperCut account.   See Library staff for more information about the procedure to add money to a PaperCut account. 

Wireless Printing in the Library

Wireless Printing:  students can print from laptop computers.  See here for complete directions:   

Directions for Laptop Printing

Mac computers on campus

Access to Mac computers on campus:

Library:   9 Mac computers with basic design software (Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver)

Animation classroom:    The animation classroom, (LRC 104) is the main lab on campus with access to Photoshop and other design programs.  There is no open lab offered.   Check with the instructor (Mon-Thurs, mid morning to mid afternoon) for possible access to the lab before classes.   Subject to class times and needs of the animation program.