Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings by Carol L. Paasche; Lola Gorrill; Bev StromCall Number: LC4019.3.P33
ISBN: 9781401835705
Publication Date: 2003-10-30
The purpose of this book is to help teachers and child care personnel to recognize children whose physical, social, emotional, speech and language, overall communication skills, and/or cognitive development is different from that of other children of their age; to support those working with young children in knowing what questions to ask and what symptons to look for, if they suspect there are previously unidentified concerns with regard to a child's developmental patterns; to know what steps to take if they have concerns about the development of a child whose condition has not been previously observed; and to provide teachers of young children with interim interaction and program suggestions on how to work most effectively with a child presenting with a possible physical, social, emotional, behavioral, speech and language, and/or intellectual problem until specialists are available to offer support in programming for the specific needs of an individual child.