This option is for students who want to print from their laptop or Chromebook. To print from a phone, it is best to email the file to yourself or access what you want to print through cloud storage and print from a PC.
- On a laptop, go to Log in with your AccessRío username and password.
- Click on Web Print. It will list your active jobs, if any.
- Click on Submit a Job.
- Choose 1 of 3 library printers.
- Black & white printers: LR220-Printer01-BW & LR220-Printer02-BW
- Color printer: LR220-ColorPrinter
- After choosing a library printer, click on Print Options and Account Selection.
- Type the number of copies you want. Then click on Upload Documents. Select document(s) to upload. You can drag and drop or you can select Upload from computer. When you have selected your file(s), click open and it will upload.
- Note: Be sure the file type you want to print is allowed. A list of accepted file types will appear.
- Click on Upload & Complete.
- You will see a note appear stating that your job was successfully submitted. The status of your job will appear as Held in a queue. Go to the Copy Center next to the Circulation Desk. The Print Release Station is the computer that is left of the three printers.
- Questions? See a Librarian at the Reference Desk.