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OER and ZTC: Canvas and OER

Canvas Commons and OER

OER Canvas courses are now available in the Canvas Commons.  These courses are ready to be used and adapted to fit your class needs.  Search the Canvas Commons to see if you can find course materials ready to go. 

From ASCCC: OERI Resources in Canvas Commons 

ASCCC OERI Canvas Page


Access the ASCCC OERI Canvas Page HERE. Click HERE to view OER Canvas pages by discipline.

ASCCC OERI Sample Canvas Shells

The California Community Colleges (CCC) Online Education Initiative (OEI) has created 30 sample Canvas course shells with Open Educational Resources (OER) embedded directly within.

Designed by the OEI’s instructional designers, the course shells include a wealth of knowledge and innovative resources that can help faculty as they prepare to teach online. There are instructions for faculty on making their courses welcoming to students, creating captioned videos, and providing links to campus student services, along with information for students on how to navigate Canvas and be successful in the course.

The 30 sample course shells are housed in Canvas Commons, and can be found using the following search terms: CCC, OEI, OpenStax, and OER. There is one blank shell so faculty are able to embed their own OER content. Each shell is WCAG 2.0 AA compliant and has a Creative Commons Attribution license with attribution to be given to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, funder of the OEI.

From: OEI Releases OER-Enabled Canvas Course Shells