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OER and ZTC: Finding OER

Finding OER: Getting Started

Are you looking for information about OER or want to search for open textbooks and materials? You're in the right place. 

For information about OER and Canvas, go to

Finding OER Video

OER E-Books to Check Out

Faculty OER Toolkit

More Resources

ASCCC OERI Resources

The ASCCC OERI website contains a wealth of resources for California Community College OER developers and users.

Looking for a site that has everything? This is it.

Resources Page: Includes information about the following ASCCC OERI supported resources:

OER Discovery: Repositories and Collections

OER are basically anything you can utilize in a course that are open-licensed and free to adopt/adapt - from full courses to textbooks, from individual modules to media components.  Unfortunately, there isn't a single tool that harvests everything for us, so below are recommended metafinder resources that you can use to help identify OER materials (italicized links indicate California-based resources).

  • OER Commons: A public digital library of OER. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum. (ISKME, non-profit org.)
  • LibreTexts: Provides access to OER resources and a platform for faculty to curate and compile resources. (UC Davis)
  • MERLOT: The "Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching" provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners, and researchers. MERLOT is a “referratory”, providing links to resources houses elsewhere. (CSU OER Program)
  • California Open Online Library for Education (COOL4ED):  Faculty from the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges have worked together to provide easy access to quality FREE and OPEN eTextbooks that everyone and anyone can use for teaching and learning. (CSU Office of the Chancellor)
  • OpenStax: OpenStax offers a collection of high quality open textbooks. (Rice University)
  • Open Textbooks Library: The Open Textbook Library provides a growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks. (Univ. of MN Center for Open Education)
  • OASIS: Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 115 different sources. (SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library)
  • Mason OER Metafinder (MOM): Provides a real-time federated search for OER content across 18 different sources of open educational materials. (George Mason Univ.) 
  • MIT OpenCourseWare: consists of open-licensed electronic versions of print books, self-published online books, and course notes which are so thorough that they may serve as an alternative to a conventional textbook.
  • BC Campus Open Ed: A collection of open textbooks aligned with the top 40 highest-enrolled subject areas in British Columbia. (British Columbia, Canada)
  • OER Textbooks (College of the Canyons)
  • Open Oregon Educational Resources: Promotes textbook affordability for community college and university students, and facilitates widespread adoption of open, low-cost, high-quality materials (Oregon CCs & Universities)

Want more? See the ASCCC OERI "OER Repositories and Collections" page at: