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SOC 116 - Brutlag - Spring 2024: Home

Research Guide URL

Welcome to the online research guide (LibGuide) for your SOC 116 class. This guide has been designed to help you find resources for your upcoming research project. The URL address for this guide is:

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Library Hours


June 3 to August 9


Library and Online Services Hours:

Monday to Thursday: 8 AM to 6 PM

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

About RHC Library

SOC 116 Research Project/Presentation

After selecting a chapter from American Swastika, and creating an approved research question, you will need to find resources to use as evidence in your research project.

  • Acceptable resources include books, ebooks, and/or scholarly journal articles. 
  • Students need at least 5 scholarly sources. 

Use the library catalog and databases to find your sources. This guide will show you how to easily find scholarly sources through the Rio Hondo College Library website

SOC 116 Slides

Get Research Help!

By Email

Email RHC Library or any of the librarians

By Text

(562) 418-5253

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On RHC Library homepage

By Phone

(562) 908-3484

Subject Guide