Now let's apply the approach outlined to finding ethnographies using the OneSearch Library Catalog, starting with simple search terms and then taking advantage of the filtering options.
First, a short discussion on:
Followed by OneSearch examples for:
Each example given below includes:
With each of the example tabs containing a search result screenshot image that's clickable, launching the depicted search in OneSearch.
There are two general sets of search terms you'll use to find ethnographies on a particular topic:
Since there's no guarantee that an ethnography will refer to itself using that word, it can often be necessary to use other words that are commonly used to identify or reference ethnographic studies. Here are search terms that can be used to search for ethnographies:
ethnography, ethnographies, ethnographic <== note: can use the wildcard: ethnograph*
social life and customs
case studies <== note: not every case study is an ethnography, so will need to do additional filtering
cultural anthropology
Note: an easy way to represent multiple variants of a root word without putting each and every one in the the OneSearch Library Catalog search box is to add the wildcard asterix (*) after a commonly shared the shared root, which for ethnography, enthnograpies, and ethnographic would be ethnograph*. Additionally, sometimes when OneSearch sees a particular search term it will automatically include search results from other search terms it believes are related (such as including cultural anthropology when it sees ethnography); when this happens you can chose not to include them, if you prefer.
If you're getting either too many or not enough search results on a particular topic, consider using or including a different word for the topic.
Since words have meaning, which can vary depending on the person or the subject, it's possible that the word one person has in mind to represent a topic could be different from other person... which could also be different from the author of an ethnography.
When brainstorming for alternative search terms, there are many ways to go about coming up those words:
Just keep in mind that the search term more useful doesn't necessarily have to be a direct, analogous replacement, but could be narrower or broader in scope or meaning.
For example, rather than using the general word religion:
OneSearch Library Catalog search results for:
OneSearch Library Catalog search results for:
While the OneSearch Library Catalog can be a great place to start your search, it isn't the only game in town. Learn about other options available for finding ethnographies on the next page.