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College Archives

An overview of the Rio Hondo College Archives

Rio Hondo College Archives Collection

Rio Hondo College Archives Collection

El Paisano Highlights (1964 - 2012)

Notable People

Subjects of Interest

Congresswoman Grace Napolitano visit

Campaign 1976 pictures Jimmy Carter and Ford

Congresswoman Linda  Sanchez

Campus Construction

Elonai Gutierrez (Marathon runner)

Cesar Chavez death and mourning

Ford Meeting

Day Care Center

Gloria Allred (Civil Rights Lawyer)

Disney film shot in Uptown Whittier

Jane Fonda visits twice

Earthquake Prediction (1976)

Judith Henderson


Owen Newcomer (Whittier Council)

First Computers at Rio

Pat Peterson (TV Star Knotts Landing)

First Gay Lesbian Club

Police Academy Director Mesa

Gulf War

Ray Bradbury (Author)

History of Rio Hondo college

Rio Board Member Vicky Santana

Library study with a graph

Rio Board President Gary Mendez

Litigations and lawsuits

Rio Board President Michelle Yanez

Little Lake School (First Rio site) demolition

Rio Board President Quintero

O.J. Simpson verdict reaction

Rio Instructor Ken Bos (Indicted in Wrestling Hall of Fame)

Old Library Renovations

Rio Instructor Breen (Award-winning librarian author)

Putnam Center Demolition

Rio Instructor Joshua Gallegos (Actor Star Trek)

Race discrimination lawsuit

Rio Instructor Peter Krikes (Hollywood scriptwriter)

Repair and Safety Measure bond in ballot

Rio Instructor Phyllis Pearce (d Author "Founder and Friends")

Rio Sports including Wrestling winning spree and Football discontinued.

Rio Instructor Robert Eisele (Hollywood scriptwriter)

Rio Wildlife

Rio Instructor Ted Snyder


Rio Instructor Yoshi Nakamura

Rodney King violence

Rio President Dr. Walter M. Garcia

Science Department Exhibit Bear History

Rio President Grandy

Student Protests

Rio President Herbert M. Sussman

Student wins Wheel of Fortune

Rio President Martinez

SWEC Foundation

Rio President Putnam

Theatre Plays

Rio President Rose Marie Joyce (First woman president)

Tragedies and Mishaps at Rio: Fire, Plane collision, accidents, bomb scares and threats, rapes, black-outs, elevator traps, robberies, murder.

Rio President Ted Martinez

UCLA report supports Rio

Rio President Teresa Drefuss

White House Team Visit

Rio Student Joel Nakamura (Winter Olympics cover art creator)

Whittier Earthquake

Rio Student Star Townshend (Actor)


Rio Student Tien Hsian (convicted and sentenced)


Ronald Reagan Meeting (US President)



For more information please contact Librarians: Janet Garcia:; Francisco Villanueva: