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Zines: RHCL Zine Videos and Tutorials

Librarian Claudia Rivas' pre-recorded Zine Workshop presentation (Spring 2020)

Zines Cultural Event (March 2021)

Zine Outreach Project for Asynchronous/Online Students Details

If you are an asynchronous student who would like to participate in the Zine Outreach Project, please do the following:

  1. Complete both Zine Fest Day 1 and Zine Fest Day 2 tutorials below.
  2. After completing the tutorials, you then need to create a zine and donate it. As an asynchronous/online student, you would need to make a digital zine. You can find resources on the Digital Zines: How To Resources drop-down option.

If you want to attend in-person workshops to create a paper zine, check the Zine Outreach Project page for details.

If you have any questions, please email Librarian Claudia Rivas at

Zine Fest Day 1 Tutorial (October 2023)

ZF Day 1

Click on image to open tutorial


To receive credit towards the Zine Outreach Project $25 stipend,

you must pass the tutorial with a 70% or higher.

Zine Fest Day 2 Tutorial (October 2023)

zf day 2

Click on image to open tutorial


To receive credit towards the Zine Outreach Project $25 stipend,

you must pass the tutorial with a 70% or higher.